風に強い焚き火台[ Flame in the Wind ]
風に強い焚き火台[ Flame in the Wind ] 開口部を回転させることにより、2つの用途に応じて変化する焚き火台です。 ●特徴 1. リフレクター機能があり風に強く暖かい 2. 用途に応じて2つのフォームチェンジ 3. 3ステップで組み立てが簡単 4. 焚き火台自体も風にあおられにくい重量感 風向きに対してこの焚火台の位置を変えるだけで風よけになります。 通常であれば風よけの幕やリフレクターを用いますが、本商品は必要がありません。 重量5kgのため、車で移動されるオートキャンパーの方に利用していただきたい焚火台です。 [本体] 材質:ステンレス鋼材(SUS304) 生産国:中国 メインシェルの直径:210mm メインシェルの長さ:400mm [スタンド] スタンド単体の長さ:250mm スタンド単体の高さ:68mm スタンド単体の奥行き:168mm スタンドにセットした全体高さ:263mm ※収納の際にスタンドはアッシュトレイの中に納まるようになっています。 ※収納用のケースはありません。
[ Flame in the Wind ]Wood stove that can protect sparks from flying on your clothes and belongings.
"Flame in the Wind" Wood stove that can protect sparks from flying on your clothes and belongings. By turning the opening of the wood stove, you can change into two shapes depending on your needs. Features 1. Owing to the reflector function, it is strong against wind, and you can keep yourself warm. 2. You can change into two forms depending on your purpose. 3. You can assemble the wood stove in 3 steps. 4. The wood stove itself can also withstand wind. There is a sense of stability. You can protect from wind just by changing the position of the wood stove against wind direction. Therefore, there is no need to use windscreens or reflectors. The weight is about 11lb, so it is useful to carry the wood stove by car. It is suitable for car camping. [Main unit] Material: stainless steel(SUS304) Country of production: China Main shell diameter: about 8 inches Main shell length: about 16 inches [Stand] Length of stand alone: about 10 inches Height of stand alone: about 3 inches Depth of stand alone: about 7 inches Overall length when set on stand: about 10 inches *The stand fits into the ash tray when you put the wood stove away. *Please note that there is no case for storage. In this shop, payment can be made in dollars and won. Purchase button and so forth only dollar notation can be switched. Explanation of how to switch is in the picture inside "information" in HOME and purchase page photo.
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